In all my rawness , this is me..

In all my rawness , this is me..

The vision for New Moon Botique is to bring self loving products to like minded people who like the moon , have experienced many life cycles , as I have too.
New Moon Botique strongly promotes self-love and self-care.
In my time earth side I have birthed 4 beautiful children and have the privilege of raising one whom i didn't give life , but life gave me the greatest gift of him 🥰 I have an incredibly loving partner who has fought along side me through the good and the ugly..I have survived depression, suicide attempts, physical and sexual abuse, and addiction..
I have known the dark all to well , I have felt the pain and struggle of just surviving day by day. I have felt the immense pain that brings you to the point of giving up...I have been challenged time and time again by the lessons of life.
I have battled my way through the dark and am now thankfully basking in the light of the moon 🌛
Throughout my journey I have come to see that the most crucial lesson to learn starts within , it starts with self.. ⭐️🌛
I created our logo based on self reflection , a woman in the moon staring back at herself, with love in her eyes 🌙😍 and yes , the spelling error is intentional 😀 - it fits me well , I was never a good speller , iv struggled with ADHD and dyslexia my whole life , so to accept the spelling error , just felt right- acceptance of self.
Everyday there is room for growth and I am looking forward to having you all along for the ride as we put self-love into action 🌛😍⭐️
I want to thank my partner for being the strength when I felt I had none , and to my beautiful children , this is all for you. Thankyou for loving your mama unconditionally and being the constant light in the dark. I may have given you life , but you all saved mine.
Forever greatfull - Mama 
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